History and Geography
Welcome to the Tenterden Infant School Geography page
Each term we focus on a new Topic which incorporates aspects of the foundation subjects.
At Tenterden Infant School, the teaching of Geography motivates children to find out about the world around them and enables them to recognise the importance of sustainable development. Through their work in Geography, children learn about their local area and compare this with other regions of the United Kingdom and the rest of the world.
There is a focus on locational and place knowledge as well as geographical skills such as using maps, atlases and globes. Through their growing knowledge and understanding of human geography, children gain an appreciation of life in other cultures. In addition, children will study a variety of physical features using subject specific vocabulary.
Children will collect and analyse data from a range of sources and communicate this in a variety of ways, including maps, numbers and writing. Where possible, the study of this subject is cross-curricular and children are provided with an understanding of what it means to be a global citizen. This will encourage a respect for other cultures and the environment.
Welcome to the Tenterden Infant School History page
At Tenterden Infant School, the delivery of a creative History curriculum encourages children to understand their place in the world and how past events have influenced our lives today. The curriculum aims to provide children with a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of British and world history. In addition, children will learn about significant historical events in their local area and compare these to the wider world.
History involves far more than the learning of facts. Children are encouraged to ask perceptive questions and to develop skills of enquiry, analysis, interpretation and problem-solving. The past comes to life through the delivery of a broad and balanced curriculum which is creative, engaging and, where possible, cross-curricular.