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Payment Details - Junior

Online Payment Link

Cost of School Dinners for Term 5

Monday 15th April 2024 – Friday 24th May 2024

Meals per day £2.60
Meals per week £13.00
Cost For Term 3 £75.40
Roast Wednesday £15.60
Fishy Friday £15.60

All dinners must be paid for at the start of each week or the beginning of the term.

Dinners must be paid for either at the start of each week or the beginning of the term.

If your child is meant to have a school meal, but they come to school with a packed lunch you will be charged for the meal cooked, unless you let the school office before 9.30am

We now operate a cash free payment system and school meals need to be paid for through ScoPay

You will be required to provide your child with a packed lunch if your account is in arrears.

To pay by Scopay please use this link