The Nest
What is The Nest?
At TPF we are a nurturing school with our approach to wellbeing and learning. To further support this approach, we have a dedicated nurture space, The Nest. This is a space which allows children to have the opportunity to grow in confidence and become engaged, successful learners in their classrooms and the school community.
In The Nest adults and children work closely together exploring, in a safe and secure place, that mistakes and accidents do happen and are discussed; where boundaries are put in place and where children learn about themselves and the world around them.
The Nest has a table where we share breakfast and snacks, a living area where we read and role play, and an area where we learn through creative play.
Our Nest gives children the opportunity to re-visit early learning skills and promote and support their social and emotional development. We know that children’s positive self-esteem and a sense of emotional well-being leads to the most effective learning. Our Nest is a safe space to embed these skills and support resilience.
Who may we find in the Nest?
Mrs Sault, Family Liaison Manager
Miss. Bratton, Teaching assistant
Mrs. Peachey, Deputy Headteacher
Mrs. Tinsley, SENCo
Mrs. McGrath, Rainbows and Sunbeams facilitator
Mrs. Willis and Mrs. Clout, lunchtime support
Why may children be invited to attend the Nest?
Children may attend sessions in The Nest for a number of reasons, for example:
- Friendship difficulties – keeping/making friends
- Quiet, shy, withdrawn
- Find it hard to listen to others or join in
- Disruptive towards others
- Find it hard to accept losing a game
- Find it hard to share and take turns
- Find it difficult to settle into class
- Low self esteem
- Bereavement
- Family illness or break-up
Sessions are run to support children’s skills to manage different situations and become more successful learners.
Their time in The Nest aims to boost their confidence and self-esteem, with social skills and independence being enhanced. For example, we practice how to join in, settle, listen and concentrate, share and take turns, accept losing a game.
How long do children attend The Nest?
Some children will attend The Nest every morning for as long as the Inclusion Team feel they need too. However, these children still belong to their class and will return to their class every afternoon. They will also join their class for other activities when suitable, for example: assemblies, playtime, class/year group trips, special events (visitors or performances).
Other children may attend The Nest at the start of every day for a ‘soft start’. This is a gentle start to the day to help with the transition between home and school.
Or they may attend at lunchtimes to enjoy quieter games than can be found in the playground. There is also an opportunity to attend The Nest at the end of lunch play for a transition activity between the playground and classroom.
Afternoon sessions are for children to attend The Nest when specific support sessions are run, for example: bereavement and loss programs or social skill groups.
What happens if my child has been invited to join the Nest?
You will be invited to attend a meeting with a member of the Nurture team and your child’s class teacher to discuss how the Nest can benefit your child.
You know your child best and this meeting will help us to understand how to best support your child. It is important we know what they are like at home and what they enjoy.
At the end of the meeting a plan will be agreed and set in place, with reviews set. We would ask that you please talk to your child and tell them they will be coming to the Nest and share that you are pleased.
When it is time for your child to leave The Nest, there will be a timetable shared with you to build up their time returning to the classroom.